Facebook Super Bowl Ads 2015: Targeted Real Time Social Media Commercials In FB Feeds During Patriots Seahawks Game Sunday; Combating Twitter Trending Topics

By Jaymz Clements jaymz.clements@mstarsnews.com | Jan 29, 2015 12:07 PM EST

Facebook will be taking over your Super Bowl XLIX 2015 conversations and delivering targeted ads to you based on what's going on in -- and what you're saying about -- Sunday's NFL game between the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks, creating a "global, mobile, social stadium." With Trending Super Bowl, the social media giant will be taking people's conversations regarding the game, party planning, flatscreen TV purchases, party food recipes and more, and turning them into ads that will be playing on your Facebook feed in real time as you talk about Katy Perry's halftime show while drinking a Pepsi, Tom Brady touchdown pass as you munch a Papa John's pizza, or that Marshawn Lynch fumble as you yell at your new curved Sony flatscreen.

Reuters explain that Facebook will be selling ads that "target people based on what they are talking about in real time," including video ads able to "play automatically on Facebook's newsfeed, triggered by key words that members mention in their posts as they watch the American football game on Feb. 1."

The Verge say, "it's more or less a fancied up Trending page - and exactly what you'd expect as the company tries to ratchet up social activity even higher than the figures seen last year."

As Wired report, via the Facebook Trending Super Bowl hub, "Facebookers will be able to follow the game's progress with a live scoreboard on the hub, and see a running play-by-play from the game."

Facebook say that over "50 million people joined the conversation on Facebook during the Super Bowl in 2014," and that for Super Bowl 49, they're "introducing a new Super Bowl experience."

This will include accessing pics and videos "from news outlets as well as people at the game," as well as official NFL, team, player and NBC posts, plus live scores, play time, play-by-play updates and the ability to join the worldwide conversation by tagging updates with "watching Super Bowl XLIX." Presumably while watching Katy Perry do something slightly outrageous that will give the internet something to talk about for 24 hours.

As they report, in a statement to AP, Facebook's Head of Global Sports Partnerships Dan Reed said "We have been the second-screen, real-time audience. This Trending Super Bowl is part of a broader effort to better surface the great conversations happening in real time around live sporting events."

He added"We really want to incorporate the amazing experience you get when you attend the game into the lean-back experience of watching at home," presumably while scoffing Doritos and drinking Budweiser on your brand new Sony flatscreen as Tom Brady dominates. "We feel we are best positioned to do that; we represent the largest collection of sports fans anywhere on the planet."

"Facebook brings together the single largest collection of sports fans anywhere on the planet, into one global, mobile, social stadium," he added, according to Cynopsis.

As Engadget point out, "considering that the price of a regular TV spot during the event is around $4.5 million per 30-seconds, targeted advertising gives companies a cheaper, more effective way to reach prospective customers."

What do you think? Do you want targeted real time ads in your Facebook feed while talking about Super Bowl 49? What about for other topics? Is this the way advertising will be delivered in the future? As long as we can find out how to make the below snack, stadium right?