Bill Cosby Dodges Rape Allegations Question in ‘GMA’ Interview [VIDEO] with Absurd Answer

May 18, 2015 12:13 PM EDT

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If there's anyone who doesn't want to talk about those Bill Cosby rape allegations, it's Bill Cosby, but he recently agreed to sit down with ABC's Linsey Davis in an interview that appeared on Good Morning America – and didn't deliver. During the interview, Davis specifically asked him about the rape allegations, particularly what he'd say to a young person if they tell him their parents claim he's "done some bad things." Speaking, of course, of allegations that he drugged and raped over 30 women. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like Cosby was too game to answer the question, because he continued to spout some sort of nonsense, and ultimately dodged the question with an absurd answer.

"I am prepared to tell this young person the truth about life. I'm not sure that they will come like that. I think many of them say, 'Well, you're a hypocrite.'"

Cosby then continued his drivel, stating further that he is going to tell that person "where the road is out."

"I'm telling you where you're driving you're going to go into water and it looks like it might only be three inches deep, but you and your car are going to go down. You want to go here or you want to be concerned about who's giving the message?"

So, um, what?

Check out the piece from Good Morning America below:

Cosby's answer could very well work against him, as he's yet to come out and deny the allegations pinned against him.

Readers, what are your thoughts on Cosby's interview? Or, how about the allegations?

 I'm about to go on stage! #SXSW

A photo posted by Bill Cosby (@billcosby) on Mar 10, 2014 at 6:01pm PDT


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