Kids Explain Gay Marriage on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' [VIDEO]

Jun 30, 2015 03:40 PM EDT

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Gay marriage is officially legal in all 50 states. According to Jimmy Kimmel, one of the most asked questions from those opposing the marriage equality law is, "How do I explain this to my kids?" Well, being that Kimmel has his own TV show, he thought it best to go out on Hollywood Blvd. and ask children to explain their thoughts on same-sex marriage.

"Could you tell me what gay marriage is?" asked the producer. To which a young girl immediate responds, "It's when two men and two women get married..."

Okay, maybe she didn't know. And neither did a number of other kids. But don't worry, some appear quite aware. And, honestly, pretty educated on it.

Take a look at the video from Jimmy Kimmel Live! below:

Looks like these kids know their stuff, huh? Especially that kid in the green who appears to be "fiscally conservative," as Kimmel puts it.

Readers, what are your thoughts on the new same-sex marriage law in the United States?

[Image via Screengrab/ABC]


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