Comedian Interrupts NYC Subway PDA [VIDEO]: Films Couple Kissing

Sep 06, 2015 09:28 AM EDT

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If you're a human being living in a place filled with other humans, you've probably seen a few public displays of affection. And, if you're like the rest of us, you can probably do without them. But for comedian Josh Nasar, he figured out the best way to end those PDAs we see from time to time – film them and make it really awkward. Which is exactly what he did recently on the NYC subway.

"AWWWKWARDDD," shouts Nasar in the below video, while filming himself and the couple making out behind him. Now, at first, the couple really doesn't seem to get that he's filming him; they're more so thinking he's just another weirdo of the New York City subways.

Which we can't really blame them because, you know, NYC has quite a few.

After a few seconds, with the rest of the train appearing to get it, the couple finally figures out just what's going down.

"THEY'RE ALL WATCHING YOU!" he shouts, with the help of some subway-riders.

Finally, the girl answers the best way she can think of: with a friendly smile and the good ole middle finger.

So, the next time you see a public display of affection, why not try pulling a Josh Nasar?

If the comedian looks familiar, he should. He's appeared on a number of high-profile television shows in the past, including Sons of Anarchy, Tosh.0 and Singled Out.

Find more from Josh Nasar over on YouTube, his official site and on Twitter.

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