Amanda Knox Retrial September 30, 2013: Acquittal Overturned, Meredith Kercher Murder Case Reopened But No Extradition for U.S. Student

By Jon Niles, Mstarz reporter | Jul 10, 2013 10:40 AM EDT

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Meredith Kercher was murdered in 2007 and her roommate Amanda Knox was accused of the crime along with her boyfriend at the time, Raffale Sollecito. The two were convicted and sentenced to jail but were released about 4 years later after the rulings were overturned and they were acquitted of the crime. But in March of 2013 a retrial was ordered due to "deficiencies, contradictions and illogical" in the acquittal case. The Kercher family attorney has now announced that this retrial will be held on September 30 of this year. Knox is not expected to attend this retrial.

With this retrial, Amanda does not have to actually return to Italy. Extradition can only be a factor if and when the Italian Supreme Court finds her guilty of her crimes.

Earlier this year, Knox sat down with ABC's Diane Sawyer to discuss the retrial news and her memoir "Waiting To Be Heard." Knox explained that hearing about the retrial was "was incredibly painful."

 "I felt like after crawling through a field of barbed wire and finally reaching what I thought was the end, it just turned out that it was the horizon," Knox said. "And I had another field of barbed wire that I had ahead of me to crawl through."

Though she also said that, if she has to, she will fight for her case.

"If there needs to be a re-evaluation of looking into the facts, that's fine," she explained. "Because facts are facts and I'm not afraid of them."

This whole case in a strange way overshadows the death of Kercher, to which Knox said: "It's not fair that there is not a satisfactory answer for what happened to Meredith, and the attention that's been taken away from her and what happened to her is not fair." 

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