Jada Pinkett Smith responds to new Swedish feminist film rating system

By Angelica Catalano (a.catalano@mstarsnews.com) | Nov 06, 2013 01:59 PM EST

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Four Swedish movie theaters have started a rating system of their own, but not to measure film quality or if a movie is appropriate for children. These ratings show the degree to which a film has (or lacks) gender bias, according to the Associated Press. Figures in the American film industry have yet to weigh in with their take on the new initiative, but actress and producer Jada Pinkett Smith is among one of the first.

At a recent benefit for gender equality in Beverly Hills, California, Jada Pinkett Smith said, "A feminist ratings system? That's so interesting!" according to the AP. "I say, hey, let's see if it works!" she added. Pinkett Smith wrote Girls Hold Up This World, in 2004. USA Today reported she said "I want girls in the world to feel powerful, to know they have the power to change the world in any way they wish."  

How does the film rating system work? If a movie receives an "A" rating, it passes the Bechdel test, where at least two female characters chat with each other about a topic other than a man. The Bio Rio in the Sodermalm district of Stockholm is one of theaters to pave the way. Bio Rio Director Ellen Tejle points out that major film series have failed the Bechdel Test: the Star Wars movies, Lord of the Rings' trilogy and nearly every Harry Potter film. 

Some films that do pass the test include The Iron Lady, Savages and The Hunger Games. In fact, the Scandinavian cable TV channel Viasat Film will celebrate these films on November 17th with a "Super Sunday" special. They also plan to use this rating system themselves, which is being deemed as "feminist."

In Sweden where the system has originated, opinions are already arising. Hynek Pallas, Swedish film critic, is concerned about The Swedish Film Institute backing the initiative, as it is state-funded organization. She also notes, "There are far too many films that pass the Bechdel test that don't help at all in making society more equal or better, and lots of films that don't pass the test but are fantastic at those things," according to the AP.  

Many studies in the United States have shown that women are in the minority as characters in films compared to men, particularly protagonists. 

Do your favorite films pass the Bechdel test? Would you be interested in seeing this rating system hit other countries around the world?

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