Zach Braff's 'Wish I Was Here' was a hit at Sundance and scored a deal with Focus Features, but some Kickstarter investors want acknowledgement

By Nicole Oran | Jan 22, 2014 12:34 PM EST

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Zach Braff's new film Wish I Was Here was successfully backed up by Kickstarter donations, made a huge impression at Sundance and has now been sold to Focus Features. But at this point, some of the investors for the project that donated on the crowd sourcing site have questions about what's next.

"What about all the backers?" said investor Matt Haughey, founder of, according to NBC News. "In those last updates from him, he was all 'I'm in Sundance!' and then 'Focus picked us up!' There was nothing about the backers. It was all about Zach Braff. Well, that's awesome for you!"

Apparently some of the people who donated to the project on the site would like some acknowledgement and are feeling a little bit like they have been left high and dry at this point.

"It just would be nice to get a message saying, 'Hey, the rewards are coming in the mail' or whatever," Haughey said. "Kickstarter is a very good thing. I like for creativity to get out in the world anyway it can."

Other investors don't believe it's necessary for Braff to say or do anything else because it isn't the point. Web developer Jason Garber, 32, invested in Wish I Was Here because he's a fan of Braff's work, and he's done the same for 54 other Kickstarter projects.

"If something resonates with me in a particular way, I'll back it," Garber told NBC News in an e-mail exchange. "I'm a fan of Zach Braff's previous work and appreciated his approach choosing to use Kickstarter to fund his new project. It's given him some measure of freedom to make the picture he wants to make and at the same time gives him a direct line to his fans."

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