New 'Fantastic Four' star Michael B. Jordan reportedly up for role in 'Batman vs. Superman' movie

By Andrew Meola | Feb 21, 2014 03:40 PM EST

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The rumor mill about Zack Snyder's currently untitled Man of Steel sequel, known for now as Batman vs. Superman, has never stopped churning since the announcement of the film at San Diego Comic-Con 2013. This latest bit of speculation is one of the juiciest ones yet, and it comes from a pretty reliable source.

Latino-Review's El Mayimbe, who has been quite accurate with many of his scoops in the past (such as Wonder Woman), is at it again after he "got an interesting Batman vs. Superman tidbit this morning." The report states that Snyder has targeted Michael B. Jordan, who recently landed the role of Johnny Storm/Human Torch in Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot, for a role in the film.

Here are the words from El Mayimbe himself:

"According to sources, the production is currently looking for a black actor in his early 20s who is also physically fit. Here is the kicker though: the part is for a small role in the untitled Batman Vs. Superman movie BUT will be recurring in other upcoming DCU films.

The role also shoots for only a couple of days. At first I thought it was some little role but then I also found out that Zack Snyder has met with hot actor Michael B. Jordan for the role. Remember, Zack doesn't just meet with anybody. He targets certain actors."

The last portion of that quote refers to a Hollywood Reporter article, which quotes an inside source who said that the director "doesn't see a lot of people" and has a narrow shortlist of actors for specific parts.

Latino-Review then speculates that the role could be a superhero cameo such as John Stewart/Green Lantern (a role also mentioned in conjunction with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) or Dick Grayson. After some fans chimed in, El Mayimbe updated the article to include Victor Stone/Cyborg.

If true, this report raises the question of how, if at all, Jordan would be able to participate in both Fantastic Four and Batman vs. Superman.

What do you make of all this? Let us know in the comments below.

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