Monday Night Raw Results 3/31/14: WWE Raw Recap March 31, 2014: Daniel Bryan stands tall, Brock Lesnar makes a statement and John Cena strikes back

By Andrew Meola | Mar 31, 2014 11:11 PM EDT

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The March 31, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. and begins with The Undertaker, who says that he does not claim to be better than any of his victims. He questions what Brock Lesnar can do to beat him and acknowledges that Brock is dangerous.

Taker says people believe in the streak and Lesnar will rest in peace. Brock and Paul Heyman emerge and Heyman says all the pressure is on Taker to win the match. All it takes is one F-5 and three seconds for him to lose. Brock walks to the ring and fakes out Taker while Heyman slides a steel chair into the ring. Taker hits Brock a few times but Brock overpowers him with a clothesline. He then plants the Deadman with an F-5 and taunts him from the ramp.

Alberto Del Rio defeats Big E. with two stomps to the chest and a superkick.

Summer Rae defeats Natalya with a kick to the head.

The Authority comes out and says Daniel Bryan is this year's WrestleMania fad. The fans want to believe in Bryan, but Triple H says he has beaten everyone they've put in front of him and shows a highlight reel, narrated by Stephanie McMahon, of Triple H beating a slew of opponents. He says he will beat Bryan and win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30.

Batista comes out and says he wasn't in that video because Triple H never beat him. Triple H says he should just worry about his own match, and Batista says Hunter should worry about Bryan because he might not make it to the title match if he loses to Bryan. He calls Triple H the brains and Stephanie the brawn of the operation.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton comes out and says he would love to see Triple H beat up Batista, but he implores Hunter to step out of the main event when he gets there. Triple H says Orton should stop kissing up to him and should instead become The Viper again because if he does, then Triple H might not even be able to beat him. Hunter makes Orton's match with Batista later tonight a no disqualification match.

Los Matadores and The Usos defeat Rybaxel and The Real Americans when Diego switches in for Fernando without the referee noticing and rolls up Swagger for the pin.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust defeat Damien Sandow and Fandango when Goldust throws Fandango outside and Cody splashes him. Goldust then hits the Final Cut on Sandow for the win.

Bray Wyatt beats R-Truth in a quick match with Sister Abigail. The Wyatts attack Xavier Woods when he tries to help R-Truth and they pose in the center of the ring. A fourth man in a sheep mask comes up behind them and it's John Cena, who attacks Rowan and Harper. Bray runs off while Cena taunts him from the ring.

Naomi defeats AJ Lee in a Lumberjill match when the Divas outside the ring attack the Divas Champion. Tamina tries to help, but the Divas gang up on her and Naomi hits AJ with the Rear View for the win.

Renee Young interviews John Cena backstage and he says Bray forced him to fight, so he will deliver fire and rage on Sunday. He says he will be a monster in order to conquer his fears. Cena promises not to let his career end on Sunday. He says Bray wants change, but the only thing the Wyatt will need to change is the way he walks when Cena puts his foot up his ass.

Kane beats Roman Reigns by disqualification when the New Age Outlaws come out, and Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins come out to fight them off. Reigns hits a Superman Punch and The Shield gang up on Kane to cause the DQ. They try to triple power bomb him, but the Outlaws get him out of harm's way.

Rowdy Roddy Piper comes out for Piper's Pit and talks about the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal until The Miz comes out to interrupt him. Miz says he is the odds-on favorite because he has won the main event at Mania in the past. He says Piper's Pit doesn't compare to Miz TV and Sheamus comes out and calls Miz stupid. Sheamus calls himself the favorite, but Titus O'Neil comes out as Piper grows more incredulous. Dolph Ziggler comes out, as well, and the four men start to brawl. More of the participants emerge and they fight in the ring.

Rey Mysterio's music hits and he hits a 619 on Sin Cara, who immediately eats a Brogue Kick. Big Show comes out and everyone tries to attack him but he fights them all off and cleans house. He stands face to face with Rey Mysterio, who gets on his knees and begs for mercy. Big Show turns to leave but Mysterio hits a 619 into his midsection. He tries a hurricanrana, but Show catches him and tosses him outside the ring onto the rest of the competitors. Piper holds Show's hand up high in the middle of the ring.

Randy Orton faces Batista and hits the hangman's DDT, but Daniel Bryan flies over the barricade and attacks Triple H, who was on commentary for the match with Stephanie. Orton attacks Bryan and throws him in the ring, but Batista hits Orton with a spear. Bryan hits Batista with the running knee, tosses Triple H outside the ring, dives onto him and then proceeds to beat him with a kendo stick.

Bryan takes out Orton on the apron and poses on the turnbuckle as the crowd goes crazy with a Yes! chant. Bryan stares down Triple H from the turnbuckle and points at the Mania sign.  He leads another Yes! chant as Stephanie holds back Triple H on the stage as the show goes off the air.

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