Monday Night Raw Results 4/7/14: WWE Raw Recap April 7, 2014: Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H for the title, new Paul Heyman Guy revealed

By Andrew Meola | Apr 07, 2014 11:14 PM EDT

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The April 7, 2014 edition of WWE's Monday Night Raw emanates live from the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans and opens with Daniel Bryan, the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He talks about how two years ago he started the Yes! chant and now that word unites them all. The crowd chants "You deserve it!"

Triple H's music hits and he heads to the ring with Stephanie McMahon. The crowd chants "assh*le" at him. Hunter stands on the apron and says he won't get in the ring, so Bryan walks right up to him and hoists both belts for a Yes! chant. Triple H tells him to enjoy the moment because it won't last. Triple H says he will defend the belt tonight against him.

Batista walks in on Triple H and Stephanie backstage and says he doesn't understand why Hunter gets a title shot tonight. Batista says he deserves a one-on-one match. Orton comes in and wants to exercise his rematch clause. Hunter says he is the COO and he runs the company as he sees fit. Stephanie says they are both right and they deserve their matches, but tonight they will face The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Orton and Batista are not happy, but HHH says when the three of them are on the same page, then no one can stop them.

The Wyatt Family comes to the ring to face John Cena, Sheamus and Big E. in six-man tag team action. The Wyatts win when Bray Wyatt plants Big E. with Sister Abigail. The crowd was SOLIDLY behind the Wyatts in this match.

Fandango and Summer Rae face Santino Marella and Emma and the latter team earns an extremely quick win thanks to the Emma Lock.

Brock Lesnar cones out with Paul Heyman (and a black eye). Heyman praises Lesnar and says he understands how the fans feel, but they told the fans Lesnar would win. Heyman calls himself the greatest manager in history and says the fans doubted them. He says Lesnar is here to shock fans and put tears in the eyes of children.

Heyman says let's "shoot from the hip" and says Undertaker collapsed five seconds after walking through the curtain after the match last night. He says Vince McMahon left Mania and rode with Undertaker to the hospital, where he was treated for a concussion. Heyman also says he nearly had a broken neck and fractured skull.

Heyman says the announcers and fans gave Undertaker a standing ovation, but Lesnar won the match. He says this is supposed to be the rowdiest crowd of the year, but, like the rest of the locker room, they are all a bunch of wannabes. He says no one in the locker room applauded Lesnar last night. He continues to praise his client, who he says barely tolerates him, and says he is on a platform above all other Hall of Famers and Legends.

The Tag Team Championship match ends in a double count-out as Orton and Batista beat up The Usos outside the ring. Batista hits a Batista Bomb to one of the Usos on the steel steps and Orton hits the hangman's DDT off the barricade on the other. The two pose together in the ring.

Rob Van Dam makes his return to WWE and beats Damien Sandow with the Five Star Frog Splash.

Bad News Barrett defeats Rey Mysterio with the Bullhammer. This is the closes Rey Mysterio has ever been to being a heel, as the crowd booed him throughout the match but cheered Barrett.

Lana comes out and introduces Alexander Rusev, who squashes Zack Ryder with a submission maneuver called The Accolade.

The Ultimate Warrior heads to the ring and puts on a mask to resemble his old face paint. He says the fans are the ones who made him a legend and praises the crowd.

AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka make their way to the ring and the champ talks about her 295-day title reign. She references her pipe bomb from a few months ago and calls herself "The Best Diva in the World," which draws a "CM Punk" chant. She says she IS the Divas division, but Paige's music hits and she makes her way to the ring. Paige says she came to do what no one else would, which is congratulate AJ. The champ thanks her but tells her to run back to NXT. The champ challenges her to a match, but Paige says she isn't ready. AJ slaps her and says she'll put her title on the line as a special post-WrestleMania treat.

The match begins and AJ tries to lock in the Black Widow, but Paige counters into the Paige Turner and pins AJ to become the new Divas champion.

Hulk Hogan comes to the ring to present the Andre The Giant trophy to Cesaro. He talks about Cesaro throwing Big Show over the top rope and how it filled him with emotion. He introduces the winner, who comes out with Zeb Colter. Hogan congratulates him and gives him the mic, but Zeb takes it and says he brought Cesaro into the fold as a Real American months ago. He says he made him a "Zeb Colter Guy," but Cesaro takes the mic and says he is not that guy anymore because he is now a "Paul Heyman Guy."

Heyman comes out and says he is the advocate for the King of Swing, Cesaro. Colter is angry, but Heyman calls him "grandpa" and says this is a week of shocking moments for Paul Heyman Guys. Jack Swagger runs out, attacks Cesaro and destroys the trophy. Cesaro rushes the ring and attacks Swagger, which sets up a match. Cesaro tries to set up a Giant Swing, but Swagger flees the ring and gets counted out.

Stephanie McMahon is backstage with Kane and The Shield. She says what happened between them at Mania was irrelevant and that they need to be on the same page to help Triple H win tonight. The Shield makes fun of the New Age Outlaws' absence. Kane calls them pawns, but Stephanie yells at him and tells them all to fall in line.

Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring for his title defense, but Orton and Batista come out after him and attack him in the ring. Orton hits an RKO and Batista hits a Batista Bomb. Kane emerges and chokeslams Bryan. Triple H's music hits and he heads to the ring with Stephanie for the match as Bryan is down in the middle of the ring.

Triple H tries to get referee Mike Chioda to ring the bell, but he hesitates. He eventually rings it and Triple H moves in on Bryan, but The Shield comes through the crowd (with masks on). They jump up on the apron with Batista, Orton and Kane on the other side. The Shield gets in the ring and Triple H gets in their faces. He tries to calm down Orton, Batista and Kane, but he turns around into a spear from Roman Reigns. All hell breaks loose as Reigns delivers a Superman punch to Kane. They surround Triple H, who eats a running knee from Daniel Bryan.  The champ leads a Yes chant from the turnbuckle as The Shield poses in the ring as the show goes off the air.

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