‘True Blood’ Rutina Wesley Speaks About Tara Thornton Being First Final Season Victim! Spoilers Up Ahead!

By Jorge Solis (j.solis@mstarsnews.com) | Jun 23, 2014 01:16 PM EDT

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Viewers know that actress Rutina Wesley plays the tough and outspoken Tara Thornton, the best friend of Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) on the hit HBO series.During the seventh and final season of True Blood, the opening delivers a shocking twist that will even surprise the most hardcore Truebie fan.

As reported here, we have a nice recap of what happened during the opening scene. Spoilers up ahead if you haven't watched a repeat of the season premiere.

[Spoilers] To protect her mother, Lettie Mae, Tara fights one of the infected H-vamps during the human/bloodsucker mixture. It totally looks like Tara has this fight under control. After the whistle is blown and the H-Vamps retreat, Sookie and the others witness Lettie drenched in her own daughter's blood. [End Spoilers]

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the True Blood actress reveals she knew about Tara's upcoming death scene during the hiatus of the show.

Wesley describes her first reaction to the surprising news, "It's kind of like the catalyst for everything else that's gonna probably happen-I don't know what's gonna happen, because I didn't read anything else because I want to be surprised. I think it's kinda cool that the last time you see me, it looks like I'm gonna win the fight, and then you cut to Lettie Mae."

[Spoilers] We never actually see Tara die in the scene. It's really cutaway. In the storyline, we know that Lettie Mae is a recovering alcoholic. Are we really sure what the drunk really saw? [End Spoilers]

Asked if that was the last time audiences will see Tara, Wesley teases, "She's dead. But I can tease that dead doesn't always mean gone on True Blood."

True Blood continues Sunday Nights at 9PM on HBO. Readers, if you saw the episode, what did you think of what happened to Tara?

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