Robert Pattinson is Not Dead, Did Not Commit Suicide, Just Another Twitter Death Hoax

By Jeremy Garcia | Jul 28, 2012 06:19 PM EDT

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Robert Pattinson has apparently died in a car accident according to messages posted throughout the web.  These rumors have surfaced just after Pattinson's girlfriend of 3 years, Kristen Stewart had cheated on him with her Snow White and The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.

"Very sad news, especially for all the Twilight fans, Robert Pattinson died in a single car accident on route 80 between Morris-ville and Roswell."

Heartbroken Pattinson is not dead.  He had reportedly packed his bags and left the LA mansion he shared with Kristen after the news broke out of her infidelity.

Someone's imagination had taken them too far to create this false information.

Fans took to twitter to express their support for Pattinson by trending "Stay Strong Rob."

Here are some reactions to the death hoax.

Robert Pattinson is NOT dead in a car accident. Kristin cheated on him that's why "Stay Strong Rob" is #TT. stop spreading pathetic rumors!

@gossipcop He's NOT dead, you guys. Stop it with these idiotic trends.

WHAT? I just read that robert pattinson is dead AHAHAHAHAH omg stop it, media. You have nothing do invent anymore?

Is Robert Pattinson really dead?! But I thought vampires live forever. :(

Gone for a day. Robert Pattinson is dead - what a big joke! But it made my heart jump! :)) my body is dying right now. Ayay!

@deannamae08 Robert pattinson is dead??????! Seriously???- Seriousky deanna? Oh no! Suicide?

Kristen Stewart ditched Robert Pattinson because of Rupert Sanders. Now, Pattinson committed suicide.? How true is the latter part? :(

Although there has been no word from Pattinson, reports say that the actor is alive and well.

Promotion for Breaking Dawn will begin and he will not be able to avoid Stewart.

Candid Photos of Kristen Stewart Cheating on Robert Pattinson

Celebs React to Kristen Stewart Scandal: Lady Gaga, Charlize Theron, Brandi Glanville

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