Eminem Reaches Whopping 60 Million Fans on Facebook

By Danica Bellini | Aug 01, 2012 09:53 AM EDT

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According to MTV.com, rapper Eminem has set a new Facebook record - for having the most "Likes" as a living person on the popular social network Facebook.

Check out Eminem's page here.

Eminem, 39, recently hit 60.1 million fans, making his Facebook page no. 5 on the Top 10 list of most popular Facebook pages.

According to the Facebook App Data page, Eminem gets approximately 179,000 new Likes every week (about 26,854 a day). Other popular artists Eminem has edged out of the competition are Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, and the hip-hop princess Rihanna, who currently hovers at 59.4 million Likes.

Eminem's Facebook fan/"Like" base trails some very popular social media outlets, including the infamous video-sharing website YouTube (61.2 million), Texas HoldEm Poker (63.8 million), Facebook itself (70.3 million) and the Facebook for Every Phone page (117.5 million). So for an actual skin-and-flesh, breathing human being, Eminem's done pretty well for his Facebook self.

However, the "I'm Not Afraid" star lacks in the micro-blogging world of another social networking site, Twitter. Lady Gaga reins in that realm, having more than 27.8 million followers. Justin Bieber comes in a close second with 25.8 million, and pop singer Katy Perry places third with 24.2 million. Eminem finds himself at no. 19, with just 11.8 million followers.

In May 2012, Eminem announced that he is working on a new album. This follows his collaborative stint with Royce da 5'9" as the duo Bad Meets Evil.

Other popular artists on Facebook with the most "Likes" include: as already mentioned Rihanna (59.4 million), Shakira (53.3 million), Lady Gaga (53 million), the late Michael Jackson (51.1 million), Justin Bieber (45.7 million), Katy Perry (45.5 million), Linkin Park (44.2 million, and Lil Wayne (#20, 39.8 million). 

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