Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Stephen Amell Offers More on Flash Crossover and Big Fight Scene

By Andrew Meola | Oct 21, 2014 03:01 PM EDT

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The crossover between the CW's Arrow and The Flash is still a little ways off, but the anticipation is building for the two-hour event. Oliver Queen himself, Stephen Amell, has been hyping the crossover, and he continued to do so in a recent interview.

IGN asked the actor last week which character interactions excited him the most during the crossover. "It was me and Grant [Gustin]. I mean, episode 108 [of The Flash] is called 'Flash vs. Arrow.' Our titles aren't just titles. You can bet based on the title that we fight. So, that whole dynamic -- which took place over three nights of shooting -- was a very new and different experience for me just from a technical standpoint, just because The Flash has so many effects. We do our fights [on Arrow]. On Monday, we are shooting the biggest fight we've ever done on Arrow in an incredibly practical way. I'm shooting 100% of it. I have no double. So that's crazy and that's us. This was them."

Amell also talked about the special effects and the differences between the two series in that regard. "I actually had to do a move [in the crossover] where I'm going to punch and I had to punch in slow motion and literally do slow motion faces and all that stuff. All the little things are...You can tell that the writers have been waiting for the opportunity to mix these worlds and mix certain characters for a long time."

Are you excited for the crossover? Let us know in the comments section.

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