5 Reasons To See Grant Gustin, Dominic Purcell, Wentworth Miller 'The Flash' Reunion On CW! [WATCH]

By Jorge Solis (j.solis@mstarsnews.com) | Jan 17, 2015 06:00 PM EST

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The Flash is back with an all-new episode the CW network, kicking off the second half of the first season in 2015. Not only Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) will be facing off the infamous DC Comics' Rogues, this also marks a must-see reunion between Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold) and Dominic Purcell (Heat Wave).

In our first recap, Barry (Gustin)was struck by lightning and thrown into a vat of chemicals, After the particle accelerator explosion, Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) have been studying Barry's newfound super-speed powers. As the scarlet speedster, the trio have been fighting against the metahumans, who use their powers to harm Central City, including their mentor, Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh).

Here are 5 reasons we're excited for The Flash Meets Prison Break reunion:

5) Prison Break

Who else loved the Fox crime drama back in 2000?!? Michael Scofield (Miller) went into the Fox River State Penitentiary to rescue his framed brother Lincoln Burrows (Purcell). These two had such incredible chemistry when they were on-screen together, and they were the good guys back then. Now let's see what they do as bad guys!

4) Captain Cold Returns

In the previous episode, Going Rogue, Captain Cold realized the innocent civilians was The Flash's greatest weakness. To test out that theory, Captain Cold forced a railroad train to derail, putting the lives of many in danger. This action sequence had the best special effects so far, in my opinion. How's the show going to top it?

3) No Felicity This Time (That's Not A Bad Thing)

Going Rogue was also the first crossover appearance by Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). This was more about closing up loose-ends from Arrow as Felicity and Barry were mutually attracted to each other. Now let's continue the story forward and see what happens now that Iris (Candice Patton) knows Barry has feelings for her.

2) The Beginning of the Rogues

In the comics, the Rogues are a super villain team led by Captain Cold .I'm crossing my fingers for an even bigger Prison Break reunion with Robert Knepper showing up again as the Clock King again. The Rogues includes the Weather Wizard, who's also coming back on the show, and the Trickster, who will be played by Mark Hamill and Devon Graye. How many members can this show put together?

1) Whose Side Is The Reverse-Verse Flash On?

In the mid-season finale, Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) turned out to be the Reverse-Flash. My theory is that it's Professor Zoom in disguise. Will the Reverse-Flash join the Rogues? Or are Captain Cold and Heat Wave going to team-up against the super-villain and possibly help out The Flash?

The Flash returns on the CW on January 20. Readers, are you excited to see Revenge of the Rogues?

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