One Direction's singer Liam Payne has admitted he has a crush on British singer Leona Lewis.

By Staff Reporter | Oct 07, 2012 01:53 PM EDT

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In an appearance on aBBC's Radio 1 show with Gemma Cariney Saturday morning, Payne insisted that Lewis is hot but said he is single.

"I do have a crush on Leona, she's hot! I have met her. She's hot. I haven't eaten dinner with her though," he said.

"I'd like to highlight the fact I'm single. I am single!"

Payne was linked to the X Factor winner last month, but Lewis reportedly denied claims they are dating. Lewis is believed to be single after breaking up with her boyfriend of two years, German dancer Dennis Jauch.

Payne also talked about shaving his hair.
"I was doing a photoshoot for a certain magazine, and they said, 'What can we do with your hair?', and I was like, shave it off."

"We went shorter, and shorter, and this is it. I have naturally quite curly hair, so I had to straighten it every morning with a hairdryer. My mom was worried about me, she thought I'd got some clippers and done it myself," Payne told Radio 1.

The band released their single "Live While We're Young" fron their second album in late September.

One Direction recently came in No. 2 on the Billboard's "21 under 21" list, following Justin Bieber.

They sweeped the MTV Video Music Awards recently as well, beating their UK rivals the Wanted and taking home perhaps one of the most sought after awards of the night: Best New Artist.

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