Nate Silver Twitter Jokes After Precise Predictions of Presidential Electoral Votes on Blog 538

By Mstarz Staff Reporter | Nov 08, 2012 10:47 AM EST

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Nate Silver was a winner on Tuesday night after he correctly and precisely predicted the presidential election results across 50 out of 50 states' electoral votes.  His blog part of the New York Times skyrocketed in traffic on November 6, 2012.  On his blog, he compiled and analyzed polling results from a variety of sources to come up with his predictions.  

While many in the nation predicted that it was a very tight race, Silver predicted that President Obama was at the upper hand with over 90% chance of winning the election again.  He was correct.

Silver was took this opportunity in the spotlight to market his book "The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - but Some Don't."  His book quickly became the second best selling book on with over 850% increased sales.  

Here are some Twitter reactions to his smart predictions:

‏@danshipper - Nate Silver can't post on forums. Everything he writes is automatically flagged "spoiler alert" #natesilverfacts

@smithnoah - Wikipedia asked Nate Silver to stop adding Dates of Death to entries for people who haven't died yet. #NateSilverFacts

@aatishb - Nate Silver does not breathe air, he just periodically samples the atmosphere #natesilverfacts

‏@mattcutts - I ♥ that #natesilverfacts is trending. Tonight, Nate Silver is the Chuck Norris of the web. Or Chuck Norris is the Nate Silver of fighting.

@collision - Results ask Nate Silver if they're significant. #natesilverfacts

@v36ar - Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, fear of Nate Silver is called Logic. #natesilverfacts

@TrojanScientist - Before going on a date, Nate Silver calculates the prior probability of reaching third Bayes. #natesilverfacts

‏@digitalex - There won't be a 2016 #election - they'll just ask Nate Silver. #natesilverfacts

‏@shebainpdx - Nate Silver doesn't ask about how long the wait will be at a restaurant; he tells the server how long it will be. #natesilverfacts

There are many more funny tweets in the Twitter hashtag for #natesilverfacts.

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