Ferguson Shooting: Teen Shot In Face After Fight With Police 1 Year After Mike Brown's Death

By Star Connor (s.connor@mstarsnews.com) | Oct 29, 2015 02:45 PM EDT

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MStars News has learned that another shooting happened in Ferguson, Missouri this week, just one year after a police officer shot Mike Brown to death. According to the Huffington Post, an 18-year-old teen is dead after law enforcement claimed that he shot himself in the face, following a fight with the police.  However, if you ask witnesses, they are saying something different.

The 18-year-old who died after shots ring out Wednesday afternoon in a St. Louis neighborhood has been identified as Amonderez P. Green. Green died at a St. Louis Hospital, confirmed on Thursday, one day after the shooting.

Normandy police claimed that Green didn't die from police gunfire. They stated Wednesday that "it appears at this time that the male was not struck by law enforcement gunfire."

The Normandy Police Department claimed that the "suicidal subject" was trying to be calmed down by family members, but Green fired at officers when they started to approach him to speak to him. The police said that Green ran off when they started to shoot, shortly after another gunshot was heard out of their sight.

Normandy Police Chief Frank Mininni claimed that Green had shot himself in the face. He was found unresponsive and given first aid before being taken to the hospital where he later died.


At the scene, outraged witnesses cried out and expressed a different story to the cameras. In the video clip below, Green's father Jermell Simpson, yelled out, "That's the only d*mn son I got. It was Ferguson [Police]! I even told Ferguson's a** we had everything under control. When he started running, Ferguson started shooting."

In another video, a female in the neighborhood said that Green, "did not shoot himself. He ran from them and they shot him. Normandy [Police] did not shoot him, Ferguson [Police] shot him.

Witness, Dominique Clemons also claimed that Green's death wasn't a suicide.

"While he was running, he turned around to face the police and that's when he got shot in the face," Clemons noted. "I saw his body drop. They shot him in the face, his whole right side of his face was gone, his top lip was gone."

In another clip, you can hear Green's mother cry out "don't shoot my son." Chilling, and very sad.

The tragic death of Green comes just one year after Ferguson caught the nation's attention in outrage over the killing of Michael Brown. Brown died at the age of 18-years-old when the black teen, was shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson. Wilson never faced charges for gunning down Brown and claims surrounding the incident vary widely.

MStars News will keep you updated on this case.  As of now, there is no word on possible dashboard camera footage from the police.

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