THE AMERICANS Recap Episode 6, 'Trust Me' (SPOILERS): Phillip And Elizabeth Face Interrogation, The Search for The Mole Concludes? Episode 7 Preview, 'Duty And Honor' [VIDEO]

By Jon Niles, Mstarz reporter ( | Mar 13, 2013 01:00 PM EDT

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Last week's episode of FX's hit Cold War spy drama/thriller The Americans ("Trust Me") was definitely one of the season's more nerve-wracking storyline. With the threat of a mole in the KGB, everyone was on edge in episode 6, including the FBI. As Phillip and Elizabeth try to do some digging on their own time, they get abducted and interrogated for information by some mysterious men. (SPOILERS TO FOLLOW)

Just to make something clear: There have been a lot of reviews saying that the "twist" was predictable. This is of course referring to the fact that the interrogators were obviously KGB agents sent to test the sleeper agents. There was no attempt by the writers to hide this fact. Also, they kept cutting back to the FBI freaking out about the previous episode's failed mission involving the killing of a KGB agent. So, in other words: THIS WAS NOT A "TWIST." It was simply the storyline.

So Phillip is picked up by these goons and tortured for information. It was amazingly tense and his facial expressions during the whole ordeal added a certain element to his character. He is straight up scary. Despite being beaten with a phonebook (or something resembling a phonebook) and held under water for extended periods of time, he kept his scowl and said nothing. It isn't until they bring in Elizabeth (after an extremely stressful search of her house and then being locked in a room covered in pictures of her children) that his expression changes. But as the men threaten to start torturing her, he tells them that they are both trained for this and will die without talking. With that, Claudia appears and orders the torture to stop. She says they "had to" test them. Elizabeth then beats her boss to a pulp in anger. After leaving, Phillip discovers that, years ago, Elizabeth told the KGB that he "liked America too much," which is probably why they did this to them. They are now in a fight.

Meanwhile, Stan and the FBI are cacting on to the previous episode's connection with their failed mission and a dead body that turned up. Mainly though, Stan is worried about the actual KGB mole, Nina, and plots to get her out of harm's way. He is successful in framing her boss, Vasili Nikolaevich. That's basically that whole storyline.

So with mounting tension between Elizabeth and Phillip, will their love last? Also, what will be the repercussions to ELizabeth's attack of Claudia? Here is the promo clip for tonight's episode, "Duty and Honor." 

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