Rihanna and Chris Brown Wedding Rumors, RiRi Trades White Dress for Sexy Bikini? Controversial Couple to 'Tie the Knot' in 'Wild Carnival' Summer Ceremony

By Danica Bellini,Mstarz reporter | Mar 19, 2013 12:03 PM EDT

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Now that Rihanna and Chris Brown are "officially" back together, the marriage and baby rumors just won't stop! Apparently, the controversial, on-and-off again couple is currently aiming to tie the knot in a wild, out-of-the-ordinary beach ceremony sometime this summer. And RiRi doesn't want to be caught in a boring old white wedding dress - she plans on walking down the aisle in a bright, sexy bikini! Do fans approve of this alleged "carnival" themed wedding?

The beautiful "Diamonds" songstress loves to show off her stunning (half-naked) body on Twitter and Instagram... and apparently that's how she wants to dress on her wedding day!

"Rihanna doesn't want a big dress or boring old confetti," an "inside" source recently told Now magazine.  "She wants to get married in her bikini and have a carnival atmosphere."

"They want it to be relaxed and fun, like a 'playground,' and to celebrate with the people who have stood by them," the source goes on to explain. Apparently, it's RiRi's way of shouting "'Fu## you!' to the world."

Do Mstars readers buy into the crazy, carnival-inspired wedding atmosphere? Or is this gossip report a mere exaggeration...

Both Rihanna and Brown have suggested that they'd like to eventually "settle down" one day with a family and kids, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they plan on tying the knot anytime soon... for now, these wedding rumors remain just that - rumors.

How many fans are keeping their eye out for a potential engagement ring?

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