'Star Trek 3' Release Date, Plot SPOILERS Director Roberto Orci Drops 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Reboot For 'Into Darkness' Sequel - Also Left 'Amazing Spider-Man' Franchise

By Jon Niles | Sep 22, 2014 05:05 PM EDT

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Roberto Orci is a very busy man and has worked on some big-name projects like Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness and is set to direct the next chapter of the series, known as of now as Star Trek 3. In fact, Orci was supposed to work on the upcoming Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reboot announced earlier this year, but the in-demand writer just left the project to focus all of his attention on following up J.J. Abrams' movie franchise.

He also left The Amazing Spider-Man franchise a few months ago.

Deadline reports that it was mostly a scheduling issue and that X-Men: First Class writers Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz are still working on the project.

While he's off of the project, Orci did give plenty of teasers about Power Rangers a few months ago while speaking with IGN.

"One of the first things we did was learn and read... They have 600 pages of research that they have on their stuff. We read through the synopsis of everything they did and we are actually taking into account quite a bit of the canon in a real way," he said. "We're not just a leave it behind reboot. [Haim] Saban cares very much about that. This is something that he created. I had to go to his house, personally, to tell him, 'Listen, I'm your man. Miller and Stenz, these are your guys. I promise you I won't ruin your franchise.' And he said, 'It's very important to me, because kids around the world know what the Power Rangers are. So you can't just come in here and walk all over it. It better be consistent with what I've been doing.' And I said, 'Yes sir!'"

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(via Slash Film)

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