'Runaways' #1 Review: Joss Whedon, Brian K. Vaughan's Comic Epic Return For Marvel's 'Secret Wars!'

By Jorge Solis (j.solis@mstarsnews.com) | Jun 17, 2015 04:00 PM EDT

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Though Brian K. Vaughan (Lost), Joss Whedon (Avengers: Age of Ultron)'s run on the comic ended back in 2008, The Runaways are back in Marvel Comics' event, Secret Wars. The brightest super-powered teens have to survive the prestigious Doom Institute in the rewarding and fun Runaways #1, from writer Noelle Stevenson and artist Sanford Greene

As we previously mentioned, Secret Wars features the Marvel superheroes from alternate realities coming together to meet in an epic standoff. Marvel's superheroes and super-villains are forced to defend themselves for the survival of their universe. There will be no Marvel Universe, no Ultimate Universe, or any other, just Battleworld.

In our refresher course, created by Vaughan and Adrian Alphona, the Runaways were a group of super-powered teens who discovered that their parents are actually super villains. The parents are part of an evil crime organization known as The Pride. Refusing to accept their fates, the children of these super villains steal weapons and resources from their parents. When Vaughan and Alphona left in issue #22, the Serenity writer/director and artist Michael Ryan took over until issue #30.  

There are the similarities between the original and the revamp. The reboot does a great job introducing its new class, which includes Jubilee (X-Men), Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider), Cloak & Dagger, and Amadeus Cho (New Warriors). I miss Vaughan's nonlinear storytelling, but Stevenson puts an indelible stamp on the characterizations. Stevenson's writing flows with teen angst and rebellious attitudes. 

Greene captures a claustrophobic vibe, as everybody is squished in the classroom. You feel like you's reading a high school drama as Greene illustrates the students moving across the hallways. The teen superheroes are dressed in hoodies, jeans, and Bucky Barnes has the best jacket ever. 

I was caught by surprise about who the Big Bad is in the last page. I'm excited to see what happens in the second issue. 

Rating: Take My Money Now 

Well-worth reading, Runaways #1 is in stores now. 

Readers, are you anxious to see the return of Runaways?

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