Liam Payne, Danielle Peazer, Loki [PHOTOS]: Twitter Fans Tweet Death Threats for One Direction Singer's New Puppy Dog, '#DieLoki'

By Jon Niles, Mstarz reporter ( | Mar 19, 2013 01:38 PM EDT

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You would think that One Direction fans would rather tweet death threats at Liam Payne's girlfriend, Danielle Peazer, rather than the couple's new Siberian husky puppy, Loki. Nope. For some reason, as soon as Liam and Danielle posted about their new dog on Twitter this weekend, fans started threatening the pooch's life! Mainly, the fans are worried that the couple is getting a little too serious for everyone's liking.

Here are Liam's and Danielle's posts to Twitter, including very cute pictures of their new little puppy and a bonus post of Liam's sister, Ruth, with Loki:

He is quite adorable, right? Well, apparently Loki is not cute enough to keep young ladies from sending death threats around the social network. There was even an attempt to get the hashtag "#DieLoki trending. Here are just a handful of examples of the death threats:

"I am outraged and appalled f**king loki the dog! that dog aint nothing but the scum on my shoe. @Real_Liam_Payne @DaniellePeazer the dog is not going to see tomorrow if i can help it.. (sic)" "I'll kill that dog #iswear." "Let's kill him! Gun? Knife?" "(In response to the above tweet) Knife! We don't have guns."

Luckily the hashtag search has now become fans and others who were appalled by the original posters. Here is one example of a Loki supporter:

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